Ode to My Daughter

Dear Reina,

When you’re scared and feeling lonely,
Please come home
When your heart breaks and you need someone to hold,
Please come home
When life feels so unfair and you don’t feel like waking up in the morning,
Please come home
When the world feels too big and you’re overwhelmed
Please come home

Dear Reina,
When you really need to cry and keep asking why,
I’ll be here, please come home
When luck and happiness turn into misery,
I’ll be here and hold you warm
When life leaves you with no choices but to stand up and fight,
I’ll hold your hand and together we walk over the storm

If you can’t run
Please walk home
If you can’t walk,
I’ll run to you and carry you home
Even when you have nothing else
Please know that Mama will always be your home.

Haura Emilia

January 2024


Fly away, dear Baby Butterfly

Heaven is waiting for you

Fly away, Baby Butterfly

The world is not a good enough place for you

It doesn’t deserve you

Fly away, Little Butterfly

Your wings are meant to spread to a much more beautiful place

A place where angels sing

Away from malice and suffering

Fly away, my Baby Butterfly

Do you know that most adult butterflies only live one to two weeks?

You were a baby, so you flew away faster

But don’t be afraid

Mommy is here so please wait

Fly away, My Dear Butterfly

Please start your new journey with a smile

And wait for Mama dan Papa there for a while

One day, we’ll meet again

When the right time comes

You’ll be back in our arms

Haura Emilia

January 2024

(To my dear friend Sarah who lost her daughter, may you and your family finally find peace within. RIP baby Shannara🩷.)